How to make Your Breast Beautiful

Breast is one of the female body has the most traction among the others. Therefore, the women usually try to keep up appearances her breast to remain interesting in all situation.

Breast composed of gland network, bond network and fat network. Generally, women has breast diameter approximately 10 – 12 cm with a weight in pregnancies beyond about 200 grams. At the early pregnancy , breast weight can reach 400 – 600 grams, and at breastsfeeding to reach 600 – 800 grams.

Mom, this is about .... One day, when I was in the hospital, I met a woman that age far above me. However, the appearance more interesting compared to me. In fact, he is a former trainer aerobic exercises.

She is giving tips to keep that beautiful breasts. How, with the rub down the red ('bawang merah') which has been destroyed (rough) to the breast (outside the practice). And often drinking water green bean water frequently

Ehm... honestly, I do not ever try it,, because I am not the type of person that take a look. my performance. My best performance is only for my husband, are not for others.

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The form of women's breast after birth (breastfeeding period), becomes large, tense, and no longer beautiful, and contains dense.

So, not a few women who breastfeed at the time willing to switch to formula milk, in order to maintain the beauty her Breasts. While ASI (Air Susu Ibu) is the best food for the heart of the new born compared with others.

In fact, it is not to be done and can be prevented. Provided that with the right breast care. How?
Immediately, after your baby is born, then you should do is : breastfeeding baby soon after he was born (it is approximately 1 hour after birth).

Give kolustrum (ASI out the first time) on the baby, do not be thrown.
Feeding baby as often as possible.

Avoid drinks other than breastmilk.
Do not give 'dot '/ the 'empeng' baby.

Apply the correct breastfeeding technique.
Make sure that the mother consume the food / drink enough / more than usual (before breastfeeding)

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Usually, at the time of pregnancy women will get breast and faster, due to the increase pregnancy hormones that cause blood vessel dilation that nutrition in the network breast.

Trisemester At first, the area around putting will be darker colour because of the increased blood supply to the area around the breast. While in the second trisemester, areola region will be darker colour and putting will be more prominent. From the surface of the skin around the areola appear small nodules that can be issued a special liquid. Function of this small nodules in order to keep putting remain soft.

How to treat breast as a preparation for breastfeeding is optimal, should be without loss of a beautiful breast?

The Following tips in nursing for the breast in pregnancy term. It Can be done alone, and do not need to doctor / health officer.

How, the two thumb placed above and below putting, then slowly - land and pressed outwards avoid putting. this movement can be done as much as 4 - 5 times in the morning, when putting in ereksi (tense). In addition, frequently - often clean the breast with warm water. Do not clean with alcohol or soap which can be hard because the protective skin oils so your skin so dry / chafed.

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Tips To Make studios children

The following tips or effective way to make your child like to learn:

1. Create a learning environment that children experience.
According to the results of research on how to work the brain, the memory controllers in the brain will be very easy to receive and record information that go if it is in a fun atmosphere.

2. CHILDREN LEARN make happy and the children would not learn to become the champion or achieve a particular achievement. Children who have acquired the achievement, but will not be forced to endure long. Children can feel that learning is something that will have fun, curiosity is large, and influence the success of learning in the future.

3.Identify the type HOW CHILDREN LEARN, whether AUDITORY type (easy to accept children with learning how to listen), VISUAL (see) or KINESTHETIC (physical).

4. Learning System 20 Minutes Pause. This means studying for 20 minutes and then rest, and learn again about 20 minutes and so on. This is better than learning directly 1 hour without a break. Results of research shows that children were able to conduct concentration of the full 20 minutes long. More than that the child will start to decrease power konsentrasinya. Pause time 1-2 minutes of rest will restore the power of concentration as they are children again.

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Easy recipes Food & nutritious For Baby Age 6 months

Milk porridge biscuits

Material :
20 gr biscuits, destroy
200 cc milk, taken from the 100 cc cow milk dilute to 200 cc
How to create:
1. Heat milk to boil
2. Enter biscuits,slosh to a pulp
3. After warm porridge, immediately give the baby to use a small spoon

Pulp Milk Crackers

Material :
20 gr Crackers, destroy
200 cc milk, taken from the 100 cc milk dilute to 200 cc
10 gr sugar
How to create:
1. Milk boiled with sugar until boiling, lift
2. Enter Crackers, and even to poke into porridge
3. After a bit cold, immediately give the baby to use a small spoon

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Cheese Omelet

6 eggs, whipped loose
Fruit ½ onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
½ spoon the salt
½ spoon the pepper powder
100 grams button mushrooms, sliced thin
50 grams of cheddar cheese, shredded

How to Make This ?

poke egg, onion, garlic, salt, pepper
Add button mushrooms
place to anti griddle sticky
scatter cheese, leave to mature
Served fold ago

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